The Face Behind

Success through curiosity and expertise
Having grown up in a family business, Jürgen Singer learnt every aspect of product development, company and brand management from the ground up. He was particularly enthusiastic about developing products and researching new, innovative ingredients. Promoting the development and sustainable preservation of healthy, naturally beautiful skin is his most important concern. In 2000, this inspired Jürgen Singer to found his own skincare brand, NEOVITA, which is based on the patented SINGER process and does not contain any preservatives, fillers or colourings. With his products, he now brings the power of plants to customers all over the world. 


The Alternative for healthy Skin
With the Salutogenic Beauty Concept and the innovative active ingredient systems of the mousse formulations, NEOVITA products are still unique in the world in the field of professional skin care. Numerous awards at home and abroad are impressive proof of this and Jürgen Singer is also frequently consulted by experts.

However, it is not only skin health that is a matter close to Jürgen Singer's heart, but also the topic of sustainability, which runs like a ‘green thread’ through the company's history.

In his company, Jürgen Singer lives by the motto: less is more. Ingredients are reduced to the essentials, short transport routes are encouraged and as little waste as possible is produced. Living proof of this is the exclusive deposit system, which has been unique in the industry for over 20 years. Furthermore, it has always been a personal motivation for Jürgen Singer to constantly find new ways and means to further optimise the in-house manufacturing processes and to keep the energy used in production as low as possible. Efficient products for healthy, beautiful skin and a better future for our society.


A Fighter for the Industry
Jürgen Singer is convinced that healthy skin not only requires the right products, but also the right advice and professional treatment in a beauty parlour. That is why he is an active supporter of the industry and works as a certified cosmetics expert in the management circle of respected national and international associations and organisations. He also prioritises the beauty salons in his own company. For example, he deliberately foregoes additional turnover from online business in order to strengthen the beauticians through the exclusive sale of NEOVITA products.

Genuine partnership for MORE beauty, MORE health and MORE sustainability.